Fee Schedule

Application and examination fee (non-refundable)* $175.00

Initial 3-year certification fee (can be refunded to unsuccessful candidates) 


Renewal fee (good for 3 years) $300.00
Unsuccessful exam retake fee* $150.00
Rescheduling fee  $200.00
Exam rescoring fee (if you do not obtain a passing score, you may pay to have your exam rescored) $60.00
International additional fee (for exams outside of North American) $400.00


Additional Fee Structure 

Duplicate Certificate $40.00
Late Fees (after 90 day-grace period ends and inactive letter is mailed)
- 1-2 months
- 3-6 months
- After 6 and up to 24 months
Hardship Application No Charge

(All fees for deployed Military will be waived…except duplicate certificate)

* For exams administered outside the United States and Canada an additional exam fee is required. For specific fees e-mail certification@tpcb.org.